Roy Shelburne is a dentist from a small town in Southwest Virginia having practiced there in his home town for almost 27 years. In October of 2003, the Virginia Medicaid fraud division of the Attorney General’s office in conjunction with agents from the IRS executed a search warrant to search and seize all dental and business records. In October 2006, after a 3 year investigation, Dr. Shelburne was indicted. His trial lasted 9 days in February and March, 2008 ending with a guilty verdict by jury on all 10 counts of Healthcare Fraud, Racketeering, Money Laundering, and Structuring.
His patients, colleagues, family and friends were stunned. Debate began regarding the verdict in this case:
Sentencing was originally scheduled for June 16, 2008; however, the June 2, 2008 USA VS Santos United States Supreme Court decision involving Money Laundering placed the jury’s decision into question.
Judge Jones ruled July 1 to remove all the money laundering charges (7 of the 10 charges against Dr. Shelburne) leaving the Healthcare Fraud, Racketeering, and Structuring charges.
Sentencing has been rescheduled for July 10, 2008 at 10 AM, Federal Courthouse Building, Courtroom 1, Abingdon, VA.
If you would like to assist the Shelburne family, donations are made to the Shelburne
Irrevocable Trust. Contact-
This web page will continue to be updated with additional information when it’s available.